Summary • 2 февраля 2015, 20:49

Omsk breaking news for February 2

Автор: Olga Gavrilova


Another lucky day for our Omsk paralympian sportsmen /
Make a selfie and get a discount to the theatre


Another lucky day for our Omsk paralympian sportsmen

The last day of the competition which took place in one of American cities was very successful for our Omsk sportsmen Gregoriy Murygin and Nataliya Kocherova. The competition finished with two skiing relays where our Russian national team was presented by Omsk sportsmen. Our sportsmen finished with the time 29:47.5 minutes and outran sportsmen from Ukraine and Norway. The other sportsmen Gregoriy Murygin, Vladislav Lekomzev, Roman Petushkov and Rushan Minnegulov finished with the time 27:30.7 minutes but they were outran by French. For our Omsk sportsman Gregoriy Murygin it was the second medal in this competition before Grigoriy won a medal in another skiing relay for 12 kilometers. According to the results of the competition our Russian national team got 54 medals where 24 are gold, 16 are silver and 14 are bronze. So thanks to this result Russian national team won the medal standings like the team which not only has collected more gold medals than others but in overall.

See more here.

Make a selfie and get a discount to the theatre

Omsk philharmonia and Youth Theatre decided to make an unusual contest - people who take a selfie at the Concert Hall during the performance of Omsk philharmonic orchestra will automatically get a discount for the premiere in Youth Theatre the play called Small tragedies. The concert of Omsk philharmonic orchestra is a requiem of British composer Karl Jenkins and this piece of art will be performed for the very first time in Omsk and the conductor will be Dmitriy Vasiliev, two vocalist Veronika Bartenieva (soprano) and Semen Kapustin together with сhamber choir Pevchie. And as for the play Small tragedies it was based on classical work of Aleksandr Pushkin and mixed with realities of our times.

See more here.


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